Who listens to us?
Who listens to the Bromley Parent Carer Forum?

BPCF is London Borough of Bromley Council’s chosen parent carer forum. We have a seat at all council and healthcare meetings that affect SEND families. We are independent from the council, ensuring an unbiased representation of parent carers.

Carefully choosing which meetings to attend is a crucial part of our strategy. You’ll find us wherever SEND planning and provision is discussed, such as in health and education meetings within local council and service providers. We gather information from other service providers and activity organisers within the borough and share these with parents and other interested organisations, including school SENCOs.

We gather views and experiences through surveys, coffee mornings, polls, working groups, webinars, information sessions and conferences. We take this information to local boards and meetings, where it is used to shape service design and provision. Our approach is ‘you said, we did’, and we actively feed back to BPCF members, highlighting progress in their areas of interest.

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